White Sore? Possibly a Canker Sore
Cankers are an irritating sore usually in the form of a white or gray sore with a red border. Hines Dentistry wants to give you a better knowledge surrounding this annoying, small ulcer as well as ways to prevent and treat them, so you can get back to eating and drinking. There are two types of canker sores; simple canker... read more »
What Is the Primary Function of a Water Flosser?
What is the primary function of a water flosser? A water flosser is an interdental device that is created to supplement your oral health care treatment using an alternative oral health care treatment method of cleaning between teeth. Water flossers work by using a unique apparatus that can spray beams of water at teeth, rather than a thread to scrub... read more »
A Dental Cleaning and Oral Hygiene Improvements Can Prevent the Recurrence of Gingivitis
Gum disease first develops as the condition known as gingivitis. This is often the result of bacterial-rich, hardened tartar forming at the gumline. This causes inflammation in the sensitive gum tissues. Early symptoms of gingivitis often start out as gums that bleed easily and chronic bad breath, which should be taken as warning signs. With early diagnosis and treatment, gingivitis... read more »
Cosmetic Smile Restorations Might Include a Porcelain Crown
Here at our dental office, Dr. Drew Hines understands just how important your smile’s appearance is for your self-esteem. Fortunately, he is well versed in a wide range of cosmetic dental solutions. One of the more common options is to cosmetically enhance your smile with dental veneers. In some cases where a tooth has been compromised by thin tooth enamel... read more »
What You Should Know about Gingivitis and Periodontitis
Periodontal disease is the medical term for gum disease. It is a bacterial infection and inflammation of the gums and affects an estimated 47 percent of adults over the age of 30. It often goes undetected because its early stages do not hurt. Gum disease is commonly caused by hardened tartar at the gum line. At the same time, increased... read more »
Dental Implant Guidelines to Remember
Do you require a dental implant? Dental implants are tooth replacement services used to replace teeth that have otherwise run their course. If a tooth is missing or no longer useful, for your oral health it should be replaced with due haste. A void left behind by a missing tooth can cause infection, plaque buildup, or cause other teeth to... read more »
What Having a Root Canal Looks Like
How do you respond when people bring up the subject of root canals? Most folks react with fear or anxiety when thinking about having a root canal. But the truth is, root canals are designed to relieve you of pain while saving an inflamed or infected tooth from having to be pulled. Root canals are a common solution for an... read more »
A Bad Filling Needs Timely Treatment
Here at Hines Dentistry, your dentist, Dr. Drew Hines, routinely uses fillings to repair small cavities, chips and general areas of tooth decay. While fillings are meant to repair a tooth for a long time to come, they are still finite in lifespan. As a rule of thumb, the older and larger a filling is, the more likely it is... read more »
This New Year, Brighten Your Teeth with an In-Office Whitening Treatment or Whitening Kit
If you’re looking for the perfect way to start off your new year, look no further than a professional teeth whitening from Hines Dentistry. Getting your teeth whitened can beautify your smile and boost your confidence and self-esteem. We offer both in-office whitening and a take-home kit. Do you need a huge boost to get your smile to the whiteness... read more »
Dental Anxiety Can Often Be Managed
It’s not uncommon for an individual to experience heightened stress during routine dental procedures. If this is something you have experienced in the past, it’s important to understand that dental anxiety is a recognized psychological condition that millions of American’s struggle with every year. To help reduce these feelings, your dentists, Drs. Hines and Hines, recommend some of the following... read more »